Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9

Fundraiser = great success!
All of the crochet bracelets I made sold; I believe all of Kristine A.'s did as well. Actually, I believe most items made or baked were sold. Altogether we raised $199.75 for Project Winterfood. (Which is pretty awesome considering that all items were priced at just one dollar!) This will be extraordinarily useful for working with our budget, and having immediate access to funds.

Today in class, there was a guest speaker on the topic of "real world" working. I jotted down some brief notes about some points he mentioned; have a PDF download of your file of work/portfolio available online, make the résumé on your website all text so that search engines can find you, etc. Good tips to plan to incorporate in the future.

We posted up more Call for Entries everywhere. Found guys to put them up in the males bathroom (since the ArtSquad is all girls). Started work on the recipe book -- a bit of an issue due to group miscommunication regarding expectations of the recipe book. We are still trying to sort out the details to make it a memorable, yet cost effective piece.

So What?
While we do want to make it a great recipe book, we also have to consider practicality issues and cost factors (as these will function as a take-away piece with information, a couple recipes, and websites for local food resources and our sponsors). A group member had very high hopes for the recipe book (all hand-done letterpressed with stitched binding), but for an item being given away freely with a fair bit of text, it would be a disproportionate amount of work. Part of why letterpressing and screenprinting were brought up as options for creating the recipe books was to save on printing costs. However, the time intensive nature of such projects would negate any savings. Plus, with the paper hopefully being donated, and the funds we raised, it will probably be more cost effective to get them printed, but we still want to incorporate some sort of hand-done element.

Now What?
The guest speaker of today brought up good points about ways to find work in the real world; definitely feeling like I need to get my personal-professional website up and running. Project related, today was definitely a learning experience in trying to compromise between what you really want to do versus time allotment, skills and deadlines. Also, trying to make sure that everyone's opinions are heard and taken into consideration when making group decisions, but also that time isn't wasted rehashing options... but also making sure not to step on others' toes. Definitely a useful skill for the future.

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