Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday, November 11

We focused today on trying to figure out the layouts and content for the recipe book. We broke the recipe book down into smaller projects and tasks for individuals to tackle. I will be working on the layout of the book; unfortunately this means that I somewhat have to wait on the others to supply the recipes, information, sponsors, website addresses, and images/art.

The press release is being circulated throughout Richmond. Live entertainment (fiddle music!) has been obtained for the opening event; the Project Winterfood is definitely growing from more than just an art showing with some information to more of a gathering, celebration and EVENT.

So What?
Getting the press release out to all our contacts is important so that people will actually hear about the event and actually know what it's about. The promotional aspect of this feels like something that's neverending, and that's essentially true. You have to get the initial word out there, then keep reminding people, since people will likely forget, and resending out information as we make new contacts. Sometimes feels like we're nagging or bugging with the constant reminders, but.. it's important to make sure people will remember! (and show up.) As a result, Project Winterfood is starting to be posted on blogs and online magazines.

Now What?
I've never been very good at promoting myself in terms of art, design, skills, etc. It is definitely a good experience to work hard at promoting a good cause, since learning how to make contacts, working within one's network, and expanding your network will be extremely useful skills when I want to promote either myself or causes I am passionate about. There is a somewhat fine line between being helpfully remindful and annoying, so this is where we're feeling out that distinction.

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